Building a fit, in shape and toned aesthetic physique is not an easy thing to do; yet nothing says “in shape”like defined toned abdominal’s. Having a sexy body worthy of the beach is a beautiful thing, but it is not the most important reason for having a strong core. Abdominal’s and lower back are where a good deal of our overall strength originates. Some individuals think core is just abs; that is not the case. The core is your lower back and abdominal’s combined.

Working your core is not just doing sit-ups and crunches. Those movements are very basic, and mostly work the rectus abdominis. There are many other facets to be considered when working your core. Your external and internal oblique’s ,traverse abdominal, and your lower back require different movements and angle for maximum muscular contraction. The abdominals are partially responsible for traverse, sagittal, and frontal coronal movements, and they also help support the lumbar (lower back) area. Abs and back are antagonistic muscles but they work together. A weak abdominal region usually means a weak lower back. Functional training is a great way to work all aspects of your core, and very important for the overall physical health. Without a strong core functional movements cannot be performed adequately. Functional movements are exercises that focus on ADL (Activities of Daily Living); this means being able to perform all daily activities and movements without pain or illness. The ATP Extreme Personal Trainers are knowledgeable and skilled in aspects of core training.